AOIP-Fast acquisition modules with universal synchronized inputs and embedded webserver software (Model:FRONTDAQ 20)

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 FrontDaq systems are a series of fast (7680 Hz / channel) and flexible data acquisition modules offering 20 analogue synchronized inputs (1 ADC per channel) and 20 TTL inputs / outputs.

All necessary configuration and management software (WEB server technology) are embedded into the plug-and-play system and allow remote control of the acquisition through any web browser: Setup, start, result display, monitoring and data exportation. FrontDaq 20 memory capacity (internal of 660,000 samples / channel and external via CF card, allows several months of data to be recorded. FrontDaq 20 meet therefore the various requirements of monitoring and survey applications on the field as well as on test bench.

FrontDaq 20 perform measurement, monitoring and recording of analogue and digital signals coming from sensors of physical or electrical values. These signals can be:

  • Voltage: 0-10 V
  • Current: 0-20 and 4-20 mA with external shunts
  • Thermocouples: Type K/T/J/N/E/R/S/B with or without cold junction compensation
  • Resistance: 2400 Ω
  • RTD: Temperature sensors (Pt100 / 500 / 1000) in 2, 3 or 4 wires
  • Frequency: up to 10 kHz measuring frequency and counting
  • Strain gauges

Fast and still accurate, FrontDaq 20 modules perform acquisition from every input simultaneously up to 7680 samples / s / channel, i.e. a period of 120 µs. Measurement can be performed with different frequencies, resolutions, trigger conditions and types of inputs, making FrontDaq 20 perfect for measurement and control of very fast phenomenon.

Channels being synchronized, the scanning speed does not depend on the number of channels scanned and recorded. The instruments are freed from multiplexer constraints: regardless of the number of channels acquired, the speed will remain optimum. Additional FrontDaq 20 can be connected together to extend the number of inputs available and make a network.

Accurate monitoring and flexibility are ensured with:

  • 2 limits per channel, 20 universal analogue inputs with 1 ADC 24 bytes per channel
  • 4 analogue 0-10 V outputs
  • 20 TTL inputs/outputs
  • 5 programmable triggers
  • Ethernet TCP/IP, RS 232, USB (GSM / GPS in option)

Specifications and performances in temperature @23°C ±5°C

Uncertainty is given in % of reading + fixed value.

Resistive probes: Measurement

Type Range Resolution Accuracy / 1 year
(< 150 samples / s)
Pt100 -220°C to +850°C 0.01°C 0.01°C
Pt500 (= 3851) -220°C to +850°C 0.05°C 0.05°C
Pt1000 (= 3851) -220°C to +400°C 0.03°C 0.03°C

Thermocouples: Measurement

Type Range Resolution Accuracy / 1 year
(< 150 samples / s)
K -180 to +1300°C 1.2°C 1.2°C
T -250 to +400°C 1.1°C 1.1°C
J -180 to +750°C 0.09°C 0.09°C
N -270 to +1300°C 1.7°C 1.7°C
E -40 to +900°C 0.7°C 0.7°C

Thermocouples type R, S, B: For specifications, refer to the instruction manual (Available on request)

Specifications and performances in process @23°C ±5°C

DC voltage: Measurement

Range Measuring range Resolution Accuracy / 1 year
(< 150 samples / s)
1 V -15 m V à to1 V 100 nV 10 µV
10 V -1 V to +10 V 50 µV 100 µV

Input impedance:
100 kΩ for 1 V range
14 kΩ for 10 V range
Temperature coefficient: < 6 ppm/°C beyond reference domain

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INO: Bán, Báo giá, tư vấn mua sắm và cung cấp, tư vấn sản phẩm thay thế; tương đương, hướng dẫn sử dụng, giá…VNĐ, …USD | 086 9421303 | 02873000184 | AOIP-Fast acquisition modules with universal synchronized inputs and embedded webserver software (Model:FRONTDAQ 20).

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